Art Exhibition December 10th – 15th Via Margutta, 90. Rome

Short BIO of the artist Ilian Rachov:

Ilian Rachov was born in Sofia, Bulgaria during the comunist regime. He is a professional artist and since more than 30 years is living only by his Art. His artworks created exclusively by commissions are spreaded all around the world, from Japan to the States , the sheikh’s palaces in the Arab Emirates and Prince’s ones in Italy. He created several fresco works and ceilings in private aristocratic palaces and churches, portraits of royalties and hollywood celebreties. Some examples: the Prince of Monaco , The Princess of Sharja, Penelope Cruz , Princess Ruspoli, The First Lady of Bulgaria Mrs. Stojanova etc. He has as special client teh Versace fashion house, creating for years the iconic neo baroque pattern designs still in use by the Versace’s actual collections. His website is: www.artbyilian.com and e-commerce www.rachov.com He is living and working in Rome.

Press realease:

From December 10th to 15th 2021 the International Gallery Area Contesa in Via Margutta, 90 in Rome hosted the exclusive exhibition of Ilian Rachov, a figurative artist at the highest levels who is working mainly by commissions since more than 30 years.
16 Artworks were on display from his almost twenty-year period in Turin and works created in Rome where he is living and working now. Two portraits painted with the old master’s Flemish technique of the 1600s belonging to private collections were loaned for this exhibition as well. Two Orthodox icons who reflect his Bulgarian origins but revisited in a contemporary key were displayed too.

Being famous throughout the world for having created Versace’s neo baroque one contemporary Medusa stares above the visitors with her petrifying gaze.

Many Italian and Foreign celebrities attended the official opening of the Exhibition.

His Excellency Todor Stojanov – Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria in Italy, Prince Carlo Massimo, Princess Maria Pia Ruspoli, Prince Alfio Borghese, Princess Osar of Persia, the fashion designer Alviero Martini, the journalists Barbara Castellani and Antonietta Di Vizia, the actor Emanuele Simeoli together with the Italian actress Eleonora Cecere, the actresses Eleonora Pieroni, Antonella Salvucci, Daniela Alviani, the Count Alessandro Mathias Piumati. Many artists, friends of Ilian attended as well the event: the sculpture Camilla Ancilotto, the photographer Roberto Rocco and art lovers such as the aesthetic surgeon Raffaele Siniscalco and his wife the beauty coach Brigitte Valesch and the young designer of Moonrock Alessandro Valesch , the fashion journalist Cinzia Malvini.


The Art of Ilian Rachov is a journey into a fantastic infinity, populated by mythological figures, portraits, heroes, between myth and history, between tale and dream. In his works, the artist transports us to the world of myth, of classical art par excellence. The studied compositions, balanced lines, often explode in red colors to upset the rational equilibrium. However, the vibrant colors and the great dynamism in the diagonal cuts of the composition remain, overbearing and strong. And the artist goes further, expressing the world of him, young, current, full, saturated with new gods and new heroes such as David Bowie and Mick Jagger, legends of our time.
Prince Alfio Borghese art critic.

Photo credits: Luigi Luongo, Den Smak Ph., Giancarlo Fiori, Alex Ph.


1. His Excellence Todor Stoyanov Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria in Italy with his wife and Ilian Rachov.

Foto 2: Princess Maria Pia Ruspoli and Ilian Rachov

Foto 3: The Italian TV hostess and presenter Barbara Castellani with her portrait loaned exclusivelly for the exhibition.

Foto 4: Ilian Rachov and Prince Carlo Massimo.

Foto 5: Alessandro Valesch, Brigitte Valesch, Ilian and Barbara Castellani.

Foto 6: Marco Bardeggia, Ilian Rachov , Antonietta Di Vizia Italian journalist and TV presenter.

Foto 7: Antonella Salvucci actress.

Foto 8: Raffaele Siniscalco, Ilian and the fashion designer Alviero Martini.

Foto 9: Eleonora Cecere actress.

Foto 10: Emanuele Simeoli actor.

Foto 11: Eleonora Pieroni actress.

Foto 12: Amazzone. 100X70cm gold 22Kt and oil on canvas.

Foto 13: La Madonna del Gatto , 50x70cm. Gold 22Kt and oil on canvas.

Foto 14: La Medusa, 50x70cm, acrylic on canvas.

Foto 15: St. George with the Dragon. 100X80cm. Oil on canvas.

Foto 16: Hadrian , 50x70cm. Acrylic on canvas.

Foto 17: The Time Kidnaps the Youth. After Rubens.

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